At the End of the Day

So, I failed utterly to meet my proper posting day, as I was in the throes of leaving my job and incapable of paying attention. At least it means I have something to post today – two somethings, in fact. One is just another chapter of my interminable WIP, <i>After the Deluge</i>. The other is this little piece of very nearly entirely PWP. Certainly more pr0n than plot.

Title: At the End of the Day
Author: gillo
Era: S6
Genre: Just sex, really.
Warning for explicit sex. (R? NC-17? I don’t really understand the subtle gradations.) No violence beyond a normal Slayer’s life.
Mid S6. Buffy’s tired, dispirited and, as always, in denial.
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After the Deluge – Chapter 19

This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

This one’s just a link to my own LJ, as it’s a chapter in my WIP, Spuffy in eventual aim, which I started on this comm this time last year. It’s now up to Chapter Nineteen.

Follow the fake cut to my LJ

Finally, many, many thanks to our lovely mods for keeping this comm running, and to all the contributors who never fail to amaze and humble me with the sheer quality as well as quantity of their work.

“After the Deluge” Chapter Six

This entry is part 4 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

That’s all for tonight, but if you like it you can find more in a few days at my own LJ. Thanks again to our lovely mods – and thank you for reading, if you have been!

Just one further chapter, as our pair inch inexorably towards each other.

Chapter One is here.
Chapter Two is here
Chapter Three is here.
Chapter Four is here.
Chapter Five is here.


Chapter Six: Clear Skies Over Europe

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A fic – She Likes That

So it’s my day to post. I’d like to thank enigmaticblues for maintaining the comm and all the awesome writers and artists whose work mine is not fit to touch the hem of. I have a fic and a few icons for your enjoyment this time.

Many, many thanks to betas bogwitch and confusedkayt,who both gave me invaluable help and suggestions.

Ever wondered just how Spike knew to suggest ice on Buffy’s neck?

Fic: She Likes That
Rating: Not entirely sure of US ratings, but mild R I would think.
Pairing: Spuffy. (duh)
Set in Season 6, some time after As You Were
Disclaimer. Not mine. But Joss isn’t playing with them right now…
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Verse and Worse – Part 2

I had it totally fixed in my head that my posting day at seasonal_spuffy was today that I didn’t think to double-check. So inevitably it turns out to have been yesterday. Dammit. I wouldn’t have been ready to post, on account of all that’s been going on in my life, but I am kicking myself big time.

Thanks to the wonderful ruuger‘s willingness to share I am going to post the next part here. However if a mod would like this deleted I will understand perfectly. The rest will be posted in my own LJ over the next few days…

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Fic – Verse and Worse

I’ve been writing under pressure, and don’t know if I’ll manage to get it all done before my day ends, but here’s the first part, regardless.

Title: Verse and Worse
Author: Gillo
Summary: You can take a poet out of his century, but you can’t ever quite stop him!
Setting: Early-Mid Season 7, probably after Him
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: If only they were mine.

ETA: Not properly betad, so all faults are entirely mine, but the lovely spikes_heart gave it a read-through and told me off for a mistake or two. She’s far too gentle with me, though.

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FIC: We’ll Go No More A-Roving Part 2

The second and last part of my fic, set in the gaps between episodes in early S7

We'll Go No More A-Roving Part 2

Title: We’ll Go No More A-Roving
Rating: G So tame it’s scary
Author: Gill
Timeline: During Lessons and “Beneath You”, going just a touch AU thereafter.
Pairing: Buffy/Spike – and Clem ‘cos he rocks!
Summary: How did Spike get that blue sweatshirt, and why did he go back to the school basement?
Author notes: Feedback? Yes please!
Disclaimer: No, not mine, not even Spike. But Joss said I could play with his toys.

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