Full Circle (WIP)

First – I’m posting a little late for my time zone (life has been a little busy today). Sorry!

Second – I started this story 4 Seasonal Spuffy rounds ago. The story kind of got away from me. Please follow the fake cut to my journal. You can catch up on the earlier parts before reading Part 6. I’m planning on finishing this for the free for all day.

Third – Thank you, enigmaticblues, for running the community and organizing the cats.


Comments always welcome.

Welcome to the Middle Ages: Conclusion

I’m sneaking in the final part of “Welcome to the Middle Ages.” I apologize to anyone whose day this is.

-Rating: PG-13
-Medium: Fanfic
-Titles: Welcome to the Middle Ages
-Setting: S6 after “Once More with Feeling” (I have taken a brief liberty with the timeline relating to certain relationships)
-Summary: Buffy goes to a local SCA* event to stop a demon plot to turn Sunnydale into an actual kingdom and runs into Spike instead.

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Welcome to the Middle Ages: Part 2

Many thanks to enigmaticblue  for the extra posting time! Here’s the next part!

-Rating: G, maybe PG-13 since there’s talk of kissing and stuff
-Medium: Fanfic
-Titles: Welcome to the Middle Ages
-Setting: S6 after “Once More with Feeling” (I have taken a brief liberty with the timeline relating to certain relationships)
-Summary: Buffy goes to a local SCA* event to stop a demon plot to turn Sunnydale into an actual kingdom and runs into Spike instead.

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Welcome to the Middle Ages

Most excellent! Today I bring you a bit of fluff complete with knights in shining armor and ladies fair. Sadly I don’t know that I’ll be able to post the entire thing today *pout* as life has once again conspired to mess with my deadlines all over the place. But, this story isn’t nearly as long as the others. So read on and enjoy!

-Rating: G
-Medium: Fanfic
-Title: Welcome to the Middle Ages
-Setting: S6 after “Once More with Feeling” (I have taken a brief liberty with the timeline relating to certain relationships)
-Summary: Buffy goes to a local SCA event to stop a demon plot to turn Sunnydale into an actual kingdom and runs into Spike instead.
-Disclaimer: Neither the SCA nor the characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are mine. I take no credit for any of that – just inspiration. ::grin::
-Author’s Note: The SCA is the Society for Creative Anachronism. It’s a world wide group that recreates the Middle Ages in modern times. There is a definite hierarchy within the group and, lately, a greater degree of authenticity from when it started in the 60s. For more information go to www.sca.org. As far as I know, there are no actual demons in the SCA. ;)

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Fic: Full Circle – Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Full Circle

Rating: PG
Same Disclaimers
A/N: Thank you everyone for commenting! I’m sad (I think) to announce that this is going much longer than I expected. I had hoped to be able to finish this tonight. Well… we’ll see… I have 3 more hours… right? o.O (Most likely, check my lj for the rest of the story.)

And onto Part 3…

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Fic: Full Circle Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Full Circle

Ack! It’s my day! I”m posting this in parts. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, this is the only part to be beta’d. The other parts will come later today. (I’m looking at maybe two more parts.)

Title: Full Circle
Rating: PG for now
Medium: Fanfic
Setting: Early Season 3 and then it goes wildly AU after that

Summary: What would have happened if Buffy met with Spike instead of Lilly in “Anne?” Where would it have taken them?
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