Fic: Exit Wounds (4/8)

Title: Exit Wounds (4/8)
Author: sidhlairiel
Season: AtS s5 (AU)
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Buffy/Spike, Fred/Wesley, mentions of Cordelia/Angel and Buffy/Angel.
Summary: Two weeks after Cordelia’s death Buffy arrives at Wolfram and Hart looking for answers about the disturbing dreams she has been having since the Hellmouth was closed. There she finds a grieving Angel and a newly undead Spike, as well as the horrifying threat which fate has brought her back to L.A. in order to vanquish. But is Buffy ready to face her inner demons and finally escape the clutches of the past? Ensemble cast.

Author’s Note: This chapter got quite long and also remains un-betaed, but I really wanted to get it finished and up in time for the free-for-all day for once! This chapter marks the halfway point of the story but also serves as the end of part one if this were a two part television episode, hence the evil evil cliffhanger :D For any new readers the first three chapters can be found here. Thank you for all of the comments on this story so far and well done to everybody for another awesome round of Spuffiness ♥

<< Read the fourth chapter over at my LJ >>

Fic: Bound By Love *Complete One-Shot*

Title: Bound by Love
Author: okdeanna
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mild language/suggestiveness
Word Count: 3,804
Medium: Fic
For: Seasonal Spuffy
Theme: The Dance; Love transcends death.
Setting: Post Chosen; Set somewhere in Ats S5 (does not follow comics in the least)
Genre: Reunion Romance
Beta: dusty273 (Thank you SO much for always being there, my friend! You rock!)
Summary: A slayer dream leads Buffy and Spike to a moment eight years in the making…

A/N: Love transcends death. I’ve seen that theme stated before, many times, but I don’t think I fully understood its all-encompassing meaning until writing this story. Love is powerful, so powerful it can transcend death. It can also transcend pain, distance, doubt, fear and an innate sense of duty. It can last a lifetime and beyond it for some lucky enough to live that long. Like Spike. For him, love is the epitome of all things. It’s what he wants most in the world. It’s what he needs most, to find the person to love him as he has loved them. Buffy is that person… and she’s just now figuring it out.

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Not Quite the Fireworks I Was Expecting

Medium: Fic
Title: Not Quite the Fireworks I Was Expecting
Timeline: Post-Chosen, loosely AtS Season 5
Rating: PG-13 for Spike-style swearing
Summary: That bad jazz is awfully familiar, and who could forget that ear-searing red silk suit? Of course, the consummate consumer of melodrama has just popped by Spike’s dingy room for a friendly chat….
A/N: I am so excited to be writing for Seasonal Spuffy, my first home in the Buffy fandom and always always an exciting challenge for me! I tried to stick with the theme this time through, just for a challenge. Thanks, mods, for sneaking me on to the calendar at the last minute and running such a tight ship!

Also, this is my first-ever adventure off of lj and onto Dreamwidth… If you catch me doing something idiotic, boy I’d appreciate the high sign!

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Fic: Exit Wounds (3/8)

Title: Exit Wounds (3/8)
Author: sidhlairiel
Season: AtS s5 (AU)
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Buffy/Spike, Fred/Wesley, mentions of Cordelia/Angel and Buffy/Angel.
Summary: Two weeks after Cordelia’s death Buffy arrives at Wolfram and Hart looking for answers about the disturbing dreams she has been having since the Hellmouth was closed. There she finds a grieving Angel and a newly undead Spike, as well as the horrifying threat which fate has brought her back to L.A. in order to vanquish. But is Buffy ready to face her inner demons and finally escape the clutches of the past? Ensemble cast.

Author’s Note: Hey guys! This is my contribution to this latest round of seasonal_spuffy. You might notice that this is actually chapter three of eight – that is because I submitted the first two chapters of this fic back in October for the Fall Round. Due to much RL busy-ness I have only just found the time to get the next update finished, and I’m hoping to post another chapter on free-for-all day. If you’d like to catch up with the story so far the first two chapters can be found here. This is my first Buffyverse fic so feedback is very much appreciated! Thank you to joans_journal for her betaing help and the mods as always for keeping this community going ♥

<< Read the third chapter over at my LJ >>

Fic: Exit Wounds (2/8)

Title: Exit Wounds (2/8)
Author: sidhlairiel
Season: AtS s5 (AU)
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Buffy/Spike, Fred/Wesley, mentions of Cordelia/Angel and Buffy/Angel.
Summary: Two weeks after Cordelia’s death Buffy arrives at Wolfram and Hart looking for answers about the disturbing dreams she has been having since the Hellmouth was closed. There she finds a grieving Angel and a newly undead Spike, as well as the horrifying threat which fate has brought her back to L.A. in order to vanquish. But is Buffy ready to face her inner demons and finally escape the clutches of the past? Ensemble cast.

Author’s Note: As promised here is the next chapter, complete with a lot more Spuffy! I had so much fun writing the Buffy/Spike scenes in this story and there is plenty more to come in further chapters. Hopefully I can get the third installment completed in time for the free-for-all day, but in the meantime if you’d like to keep following this story then please do feel free to friend me. Thank you to everyone who has commented thus far.

<< Read the second chapter over at my LJ >>

Fic: Exit Wounds (1/8)

Title: Exit Wounds (1/8)
Author: sidhlairiel
Season: AtS s5 (AU)
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Buffy/Spike, Fred/Wesley, mentions of Cordelia/Angel and Buffy/Angel.
Summary: Two weeks after Cordelia’s death Buffy arrives at Wolfram and Hart looking for answers about the disturbing dreams she has been having since the Hellmouth was closed. There she finds a grieving Angel and a newly undead Spike, as well as the horrifying threat which fate has brought her back to L.A. in order to vanquish. But is Buffy ready to face her inner demons and finally escape the clutches of the past? Ensemble cast.

Author’s Note: Hi guys! This is my humble offering for this round of seasonal_spuffy but also my first ever posted Buffy fanfic, so I’m pretty nervous but also very excited about finally getting to share it! As much as I loved the last season of Angel I was always disappointed that we never got a proper Buffy/Spike reunion, so I wrote this story like the (two part) television episode I always wanted to see. Thank you to my lovely betajoans_journal for all of her feedback and encouragement on this and to the mods for keeping this amazing community running. I’m hoping to post the next chapter which contains more Spuffy later on today. Comments will be greatly cherished. (PS: You might need to scroll up to see the fic banner.)

<< Read the first chapter over at my LJ >>

Blood and Rust 1/?

Title: Blood and Rust
Author: smells_corrupt
Setting: AU taking place in AtS S5
Rating: Pg-13 for now, will be higher later
Genre: AU
Summary: After the events of Chosen, Buffy decides to hang around L.A. while she and the Scoobies decide what to do next. Three weeks later, Spike comes out of the amulet and that’s when things really get interesting.

AN: I’m linking to my LJ ( because it’s a WIP and I want to keep everything together, but I don’t have a DW account.

Armor Thin

Title: Armor Thin
Author: aerintine
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crossover with AtS
Word Count (this part): ~5000
Betas: My heartfelt thanks to these folks. dampersnspoons , whose excellent ideas, enthusiastic support, and patient guidance are the reasons I can do this at all. This story would not exist (or be readable) without her. lostboy_lj , who daily holds up the firmament with his kindness, wit and insight. anythingbutgrey , who graciously lent me her giant brain for this first part to ensure Angel got done right. She gets an extra special thank you, since she agreed to beta despite being as far from a Spuffy as a fan can get. Thank you, Elyssa.

Summary: Some important battles are fought with weapons, and some aren’t. Some we can see and others blind us. Some even involve marbles. All of them lead us away from home and back again, one way or another.
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Neither Fade away Nor Go Down Fighting (Drabble)

Title: Neither Fade away Nor Go Down Fighting (Drabble)
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: Fiction
Rating: PG
Summary: Spike has too many plans to just get dusted now
Setting: Drabble (100 word) takes place during Not Fade Away
Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me and are being used for amusement purposes only. All rights remain with Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the original writers of the episodes, books and other licensed products connected to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, particularly Twentieth Century Fox, WB, CW, and UPN, all rights reserved.

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The Things They Left Behind – Part II

The Things They Left Behind
A/N: Begins some time before “Power Play” in AtS, Season Five, and after “The Girl In Question.” Absolutely nothing taken from the comics. Next parts should go up throughout the day. (Thank you to all who have read, and all who have commented! Every once in a while, I do finish a chaptered fic!)

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Fic: Crossing

Title Crossing
Author Brutti ma Buoni
Word count 1700
Rating Mild R
A/N: Just one short offering for my day; ah well. I write a post-Chosen AU called the Rulesverse, which is mainly a Faith/Giles world. But Spuffy has turned up in that world, far into the future. I’ve never written how they reconnected post Chosen – till now. You don’t need any Rulesverse background info to get this story, though I hope you’ll be inspired to come and read more!

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Fic: Under My Skin

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Ring On It

Title: Under My Skin
Author: Rebcake
Word count: 5600-ish
Rating: PG13 (for some cussin’ and slayerly violence)
Characters: Ensemble
Summary: It’s Buffy and Spike’s Very Special Day. AU Angel Season 5.
Warnings: Big-time wedding!fic, fluff, and schmoop. Very minor song!fic and baby!fic.

A/N1: I couldn’t resist, although I probably should have. Written in honor of the recent nuptials of our own enigmaticblues, though she may decide that it’s an honor she can easily live without. Thanks for bringing us the love, sweetie.
A/N2: Profuse thanks to beta readers angearia and clawofcat, both of whom provided a killer line in a pivotal area, among other things, but who cannot be held responsible for any errors because neither saw the whole story. Sorry about that, guys!
A/N3: This is a sequel to my entry from last round, With This Ring. Prologue can be found here.

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Fic: Under My Skin – Prologue

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Ring On It

Title: Under My Skin – Prologue
Author: Rebcake
Word count: 1800-ish
Rating: PG
Characters: Dawn and Buffy
Summary: Dawn catches Buffy in an unusually self-reflective mood on the morning of a big day.
Warnings: Talking heads.
A/N: Takes place some months after my entry from last round, With This Ring. Inspiration and beta provided by the inestimable clawofcat, but don’t hold it against her. AU Angel Season 5.

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Five Poems Spike Wrote about Buffy (and One that She Wrote about Him).

I posted some fic earlier today, and now I’m back with poetry! Slightly moody poetry…

Title: Five Poems Spike Wrote about Buffy (and One that She Wrote about Him)
Author: Quinara
Rating: PG-13? Sex references and swearing.
Summary: Two sonnets, two lumps of free verse and 17 lines of hendecasyllablics; one from S5, two from S7, one from AtS S5 and one post-NFA. Plus something Buffy wrote in some sort of domestic futureverse!
Author’s Notes: Any bloody awfulness is intentional. Because I say so. :P

Warnings: None in particular.

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