Icons: Night & Day

Title: Night & Day icons
Creator: Double Dutchess
Setting: S2, S4, S6
Rating: nothing that was not in the show (might be a tiny bit NSFW though?)

Officially the round is already over in my time zone, but I’ll cheat and post the icon set I’ve been making at the last minute anyway. I didn’t have much time, but still wanted to do something with the theme of this round, so I decided to parasitize an old vid of mine that happened to fit the theme perfectly. The set contrasts and parallels Buffy and Spike’s daytime and nighttime activities.  Continue Reading



By day, she was Anne.
Anne had seen it all; no skeezy guys with groping hands could surprise her.
Anne had done it all; no writing bodies on packed dance floors could interest her.
Anne had heard it all; no gentle words of love could reach her.
Anne was impenetrable; her flimsy uniform armoured her against a world filled with pain.
Anne was alone.

By night, she was Buffy.
Buffy really had seen it all; seen the monsters that most believed were mere  fantasy.
Buffy really had done it all; done terrible things in the name of saving the world.
Buffy really had heard it all; heard the lies that love made you believe.
Buffy was shattered, the certainty of youth and love falling in tatters around her, leaving her defenseless.
Buffy was alone.


By night, she was Slayer.
Slayer had seen it all; nothing hiding in the shadows could frighten her.
Slayer had done it all; nothing was beyond her ability to kill.
Slayer had heard it all; nothing was real or true or worth listening to.
Slayer was strong; her body honed to a razor’s edge that inflicted only pain.
Slayer was alone.

By day, she was Buffy.
Buffy really had seen it all; seen the pain that only life can cause.
Buffy really had done it all; done impossible things at unfathomable cost.
Buffy really had heard it all; heard honesty in lies and deceit in promises.
Buffy was weak, her heart torn apart by those who claimed to be defenders.
Buffy was alone.

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11 cinquain poems

Title: 11 cinquain poems
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Season: 2 and 5-7, but mostly 6
Rating: G, I think
Spike/Other warning: temporary Spike/Drusilla.
A/N: This post brought to you by the BtVS cinquains of dawnofme, though I tried (vaguely) for a different variation of the form.
OffYourBird kindly helped me make a couple of these less cryptic. <3
Shoutout also to the_wiggins, whose useful comment on a different work made me stop and look at one of these and think, ‘Hey, this could be less convoluted’. You can thank thewiggins for not having to sprain your brain as you read, I hope.
I always appreciate feedback, including about things that don’t work so well.

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Another Becoming banner

Title: another Becoming banner
Creator: Double Dutchess

Yay, I managed to throw something together for Truce Day. Another banner! And like teragramm, I just had to do something with those looks.

The truce in Becoming is the first time we see Buffy and Spike working together, and what a great team they are. A first step on their way to become… so much more.


Click here for larger sizes: width 1024 | width 1920

Sources: lightning photos by Max LaRochelle, Brandon Morgan and Peter Forster on Unsplash. HD screencaps thanks to BTVS in HD

 Originally posted at: https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/615020.html

Falling Hard

Title: School Hard – Falling
Medium: vid
Creator: Double Dutchess

In the nick of time, a quickly thrown together School Hard vidlet, inspired by my current Twin Peaks rewatch :-)

UPDATE: I’m editing my post to add a note that I didn’t have the energy for last night when I posted this, after my struggle to (more or less) meet the School Hard weekend deadline.

NOTE: The song is “Falling” by Julee Cruise from the Twin Peaks soundtrack. It sounds both romantic and ominous and creepy. I think those last properties make it very suitable for School Hard, where (let’s be honest) Spike is creepily stalking Buffy. “Are we falling in love?” the song asks. (Yes, it’s a question, not a statement. The “are we” bit is just not very well audible in the lyrics.) The answer as I see it is no, not then and there. Not yet. Certainly not Buffy, although she’s clearly fascinated and intrigued by Spike. Spike, on the other hand, is definitely falling for her, but at this stage it’s lust and obsession he’s falling into, not love. And probably he would have vehemently denied this if he’d been asked at the time. Still, this is where it all starts — the Spuffy seed is being planted.

Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/599142.html

Meta: Ten…uh, Twenty Years of Spike

Author: molly_may
Title: Ten…uh, Twenty Years of Spike

Author’s notes:
Hi! I have never posted to this community before, though I’ve enjoyed many of the contributions from others over the years. These days, I mostly sit quietly on the sidelines of the Buffy fandom, but I still love the show and the characters dearly, and seeing that it was the twentieth anniversary of School Hard made me remember a little something I posted a decade ago (hahahaha I am old) to a Livejournal community called adecadeofspike. When I reread it, I didn’t totally hate it, so I thought it might be fun to join in the celebration by reposting it here. Thank you so much to the organizers and contributors of this community for keeping it alive and thriving!

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fic: Glimpses

Yay, early Seasonal Spuffy kick-off! And what do you know, the next glimpses already lying around on my computer are School Hard ones :)

As these are just glimpses into their heads (and hearts) throughout the series, you really don’t need to read the first chapters posted here in May. Also – again unbetaed due to spontaneity.

Thanks so much to the mods for keeping this so very much alive (and dragging me back in)!
So, here goes:

Title: Glimpses
Author: freecat15
Era: Season 1 – 7 (this chapter: S2)
Rating: PG13
Summary: Glimpses into the story of a Slayer and a Vampire. A series of drabbles along the series, each of which can be read as stand-alone; sometimes two build a unit, as is the case here
Word Count: 2 x 100

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School Hard anniversary fic

Not something I could miss – the beginning of it all for the Spuffy-inclined amongst us. In honour of the occasion this fic is new.

Juliet Mills, daughter of Sir John, sister of Hayley, was in the film Avanti! in 1972, for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award. She later went on to play the role of Tabitha in Passions. Spike couldn’t have watched the soap in 1997, as it started in 1999, but I liked the idea of a little shout-out.

All belongs to Joss, but he did say we could play with his toys.
Rating – R for language (It’s Spike), but otherwise PG13.
437 words

We’re Moving In

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Fic rec: Not In The Brochure

Voilá! A ficlet set in Chosen that calls back (urgently) to School Hard. It’s Spuffy, but more accurately Spuffy-adjacent.

Title: Not In The Brochure
Beer Good Foamy
Word count: 600
Pairing: Buffy/Spike… sort of
Summary: It’s the end of “Chosen.” Spike is burning up in the Hellmouth, and Buffy’s holding on to his hand, unable to let him go without telling him… except Spike has something to tell her, too. And it concerns her mother.

The above link will take you to the author’s site on Dreamwidth. Enjoy.

Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/595665.html

School Hard mini-season

Ok – no time to write something new, but this very short piece written waaaaay back in the day for someone (name on story, I think) is set in School Hard. It’s all I’ve got that isn’t just one scene in a much longer fic with no relation to SH. This scene stands on its own:


For Braat 44 who wanted to see a Season II attraction between Spike and Buffy.

Do we really need weapons?
words 375
rating pg13

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