Happy Anniversary! Omg how old am I?

First of all, happy anniversary to everyone! Omg fifteen years! I know it’s a difficult year but you are in the right place. You could travel back in time with those posts and relive it all again, the effort you dedicated, all your creative work, every message of support, all that fun we share every round, there’s so much love around, you have been extraordinary. I really believe it, thank you so much I think after all, we’ve been immensely happy here and I can only be grateful.

And of course if you have been going backwards in that great orgy full of love, happy 20th anniversary of Fool for Love too! It’s a perfect time to stop for a moment because we only had one episode like this in the whole show and we can’t let it go so fast. Please don’t get me wrong, I love too many episodes for different reasons, I can’t decide which one I prefer, I have a natural tendency to contradict myself but maybe it’s the exception. I didn’t have time yesterday but it’s my posting day and I’m going to take advantage of it. Yes please, you can do it with me right here. After all, you actually do it all the time. In fact, I think we have been talking about Fool for Love for years without thinking it. So under the cut I will not try to wash your mind, it’s not necessary, we’ve been doing it ever since we saw it.

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Editable World Map of Spuffy Fic Recs

Title: Editable World Map of Spuffy Fic Recs
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Notes: I wanted to make a playground for something collaborative, but I’m bored with online magnetic poetry kits – though I would play if someone else made a kit. ;)
So, instead, I lifted the format off of something unrelated to recs that OffYourBird did in the Elysian Fields Facebook group, and I mapped the settings of some Spuffy fic I have recced in the past. For example, “One Gazelle in All the World” by baphrosia takes place in the Serengeti, so I stuck a pin in Serengeti National Park and put the fic title and author in the description.
So. Theoretically, one could use the map to find fic recs based on setting. Travel the world with Spuffy, so to speak. :)

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Spuffy poem recs: light/darkness imagery

Title: Spuffy poem recs: light/darkness imagery
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
A/N: For this free-for-all day, I’ll make a rec post to celebrate our new tag, “form: meta/recs”. I am certain that I’m only scratching the surface of the category I chose. Say, what are your favorite Spuffy works that involve night/day or light/darkness? We could rec all day…

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Meta: Ten…uh, Twenty Years of Spike

Author: molly_may
Title: Ten…uh, Twenty Years of Spike

Author’s notes:
Hi! I have never posted to this community before, though I’ve enjoyed many of the contributions from others over the years. These days, I mostly sit quietly on the sidelines of the Buffy fandom, but I still love the show and the characters dearly, and seeing that it was the twentieth anniversary of School Hard made me remember a little something I posted a decade ago (hahahaha I am old) to a Livejournal community called adecadeofspike. When I reread it, I didn’t totally hate it, so I thought it might be fun to join in the celebration by reposting it here. Thank you so much to the organizers and contributors of this community for keeping it alive and thriving!

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Fic rec: Not In The Brochure

Voilá! A ficlet set in Chosen that calls back (urgently) to School Hard. It’s Spuffy, but more accurately Spuffy-adjacent.

Title: Not In The Brochure
Beer Good Foamy
Word count: 600
Pairing: Buffy/Spike… sort of
Summary: It’s the end of “Chosen.” Spike is burning up in the Hellmouth, and Buffy’s holding on to his hand, unable to let him go without telling him… except Spike has something to tell her, too. And it concerns her mother.

The above link will take you to the author’s site on Dreamwidth. Enjoy.

Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/595665.html